Monday, July 9, 2007

Just a Little Grace

So yesterday I probably had the biggest headache of my life. It started around 7:20, right before church got out. So after church, I talked to some of my Concord homies for a while, then I went and saw Transformers for the second time (Not because I liked it so much, but the first time I went and saw it, I didn't get to see the end because I had to leave a little bit early.) After the movie, my head felt like someone was taking a jackhammer to my skull. Everything made my head hurt: from the lights in the parking lot, to my air conditioner, to traffic lights, and every other thing on this earth that emitted light or made any sort of sound. My head wanted to die. The throbbing made it feel like my heart was inside my brain. Boom! Boom! Boom!

So I finally made it home. When I walked in the door, it seemed like we just got all new light bulbs, and they all seemed to be staring at me with the utmost intensity. I went over to the medicine cabinet, and I stopped squinting my eyes just enough so I could read the names on the bottles. Tums.. no. Rolaids.. no. NyQuil.. nope, don't want that either. I dug though the cabinets, and finally! I had reached the Advil! I took two from the bottle, and made my way over to our brilliantly white refrigerator. I opened the door, and took out some water. I popped the 2 Advil's in my mouth, took a sip of water and headed up to bed. I hoped in, covered up, and tried to get to sleep. It was around midnight when I got to bed.

My head was still killin' me, but somehow I got to sleep pretty quickly.

Around 2:30am, I woke up and my headache was worse than before! I felt my face getting tight as I began to sweat like I just got done running a marathon. It hurt so bad that it felt like my whole body was in pain, and I couldn't help but to start tossing and turning somewhat violently.

As I laid there, and as I felt my body attack itself, I started to pray. I prayed that God would take away this pain that felt so severe.

Right as I finished, I felt the pain go away, from the back of my head all the way to the front. It was amazing! It felt like nothing had ever happened! As I laid in my bed in amazement at what had just happened, I started thinking that God gave me that headache for a reason. I put my trust in the Advil. I know God gave us meds to help us feel better, and we should use them. But I didn't put my hope in the One that can make the medicine work. I never once asked God to take away my headache. I just took the Advil, knowing it would work in around a half-hour, just like it always does. God taught me that I need to rely on Him more. If I get another headache, sure, I'll take more Advil, but while taking the Advil, I'll be praying that God will use the medicine to take away my headache. That's just a little something God showed me yesterday, though His awesome grace.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good post. It's easy for me to go throughout my day thinking of all thing things I need to do to make things happen and forget that the only one who can make anything happen is God. Thanks for the reminder.